
Seven Health Care Predictions: Better Health for More People

Health care is evolving. Despite the fact that we are hearing and reading of new diseases coming up among the population, such as the dreaded SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), and others, health care is also improving. The new trend is that it is getting more patient centered and more close to nature. Here are some of the changes that we will continue to see in the following years.

1. More Patient Centered

The new trend in health care is that it will get more and more patient centered. More and more rooms in the hospitals are now air-conditioned for the convenience of the patient. More and more chemicals have been invented to fight off pain from the patient. Most injections are now administered no longer to the body directly but through the intravenous connection bringing liquid from a plastic container to the patient. The anesthesiologists have become experts in deadening the pain of an operation. The hospital building, rooms and surroundings are now cleaner than ever. Each room, even in the wards, have now a comfort room and bath facilities. In the 1980s there was a large government hospital for a million population which had only one comfort room for all the patients. This is no longer true today. Mercury-based thermometers and sphygmomanometer are now being replaced by digital ones, for the safety of the patients against mercury poisoning or contamination. Headrest in hospital beds can now be raised with a few turns of a handle. More wheel chairs are now available to move patients around with little discomfort for them. Ambulances are available to transfer patients from homes to hospitals and back to their homes or other hospitals. Indeed more and more conveniences are now given to the patients. We will see more of these as the years go by.

2. A Return to Nature

Another new trend in health care is that there will be more and more return to nature, particularly herbs as curative agents. After all people are discovering that these herbs are as effective as the synthetic drugs and there are no or less bad side effects. People are getting more and more conscious of the food they eat. The number of vegetarians is increasing. More and more people are taking food supplements. As a result food supplements have multiplied. In one report we have 639 pages of listing of food supplements, each page containing around 40 names of food supplements. Food supplements, especially, the ones based on herbs will continue to multiply.

3. More People Taking Control of their Health

We are going to see more people taking control of their health, especially in the area of preventing diseases. This is clearly now the new trend in health care. Perhaps this is just logical since the cost of consulting a physician is getting higher and higher, to cover up, some say, for the more and more expensive education the medical doctors are going through.

4. Cheaper Medicines

As a result of people returning to herbs, governments are pressing for cheaper medicines. We will have cheaper medicines. An example is the sale of dextrose which has become cheaper with the use of plastic containers rather than glass. Medicines will continue to be more generic and less expensive. There are more and more drug stores selling only generic drugs.

5. Alternative Medicine

In general people will be getting more and more into alternative medicines. These are medicines that do not fall within the category of conventional medicine, the medical practice most of us are accustomed to because of our western culture. These include natural cures, chiropractice, herbs, traditional Chinese medicine, pranic or energy healing, meditation, hypnosis, etc. The new trend in the use of alternative medicine will continue in the years ahead.

6. Continuing Diversification and Specialization

The diversification and specialization of health care personnel will continue to increase. Forty years ago it was the physician himself who put on the fluoroscopy machine, took the x-ray picture of his patient, analyzed it. Now we have medical technicians to do this. They even have a high sounding name now, medical technologists. Besides the ever growing group of medical specialists we now have the physical therapists for exercising the movements of the body, the nutritionists for the food of the patient, the health insurance company and the social worker for the payment of hospital bills, the hospital administrator for the management of the hospital facilities, let alone the chaplain for the anxious and dying patients. More specialized services will continue to appear.

7. Distance Health Care

If there is distance education there is also distance health care. This is the last new trend in health care that I see. We will have more of this in the future. It is very rare now for us to experience being visited by the doctor at our homes, as this was done 50 years ago. This happens now only among very close friends or relatives of the doctors. There was a time when a doctor would go around town treating current and would-be patients. That is gone now. We have now consultation by cell phones. A doctor has a radio program. The audience listens. The doctor gives his cell phone number. By and by he is inundated with text messages about this and about that ailment experienced by his radio listeners. And he gives advice on his cell phone too by text messaging his listeners. Who knows, later on we can have doctors analyzing their patients from a distance with the aid of electronic equipment.

Indeed health care has evolved. Now that you know these are the directions health care is going to go, the new trends in health care, be more conscious of your own health. You owe it to yourself to be healthy.

But these are just predictions. Be prepared to be surprised with newer developments in health care. But we are very far from the one tablet that cures all diseases.

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